
Helping Farmers Help Themselves

Sending technical manuals and more to farmers in developing countries who need assistance with their farm equipment.

How We Help

Free Manuals

Providing free high-quality manuals shipped directly to farmers in developing-countries.

Translations If Needed

If the manual isn't already in the farmers native language we can translate to a language they know.

Additional Materials

Providing additional educational material farm equipment maintenance and best farming practices.

Here to Help

When I created Farm Manuals Fast LLC ten years ago I never imagined the amount of farmers it would help. However, there has always been a small segment of farmers unable to use our commercial services due to monetary and technological limitations. The Farm Manuals Fast Foundation was created to help these farmers.


Our Cause

A large part of a farms success comes from operator manuals. All farm equipment – tractors, planters, combines – come with an operator manual. They are a lot like the owner’s manual for your car. A farmer would use their manual to figure out:

  • Repair a tractor's transmission.
  • Calibrate a planter so it isn't wasting any seeds.
  • Find the specific part number to order a replacement part.
  • Maintain a machine so that it doesn't break down.
  • Replace a tractor tire safely and quickly.
  • Troubleshoot a rough engine.

This information may seem trivial. However, it is critical that a farmer has this information. If they don't they risk damaging the machine, incorrectly planting or harvesting a crop, or injuring themselves.

The issue that faces many farmers is that these manuals are only paper. Over time they will be lost, damaged, or misplaced. This is why in 2009 we created Farm Manuals Fast - a commercial website that sells digital manuals. Over it's ten years of being in operation Farm Manuals Fast LLC has helped thousands of farmers. There has always been a segment of farmers who need the assistance of a farm manual but don't have the technology or the money to get it. That is why we created the Farm Manuals Fast Foundation.

The farmers who we are helping are low-income farmers in developing or underdeveloped countries. Specifically we are focusing on farmers in Africa and Central America. These farmers sole source of income is farming and if their tractor or planter breaks down it can be extremely detrimental to their livelihood.

In numerous cases, farmers in low-income countries have received donated tractors and farm equipment as replacements for their less efficient animal-powered machinery, such as a donkey pulling a plow. When a farmer receives a donated tractor, they often sell the animals they previously used to pull their machinery. However, a challenge arises when the tractor breaks down, leaving the farmer in a precarious situation.

Currently we provide these services to farmers in developing countries:

  • Providing high quality, reprinted operator, parts, and service manuals for their machine shipped directly to their address.
  • Translating the manual to the farmer’s native language if necessary.
  • Providing additional educational material on best farming practices and farm equipment maintenance.

How To Help

The Farm Manuals Fast Foundation is blessed to have the funds to cover any costs associated with purchasing and shipping the manuals to in-need farmers.

What we need help with is spreading awareness of our services to the farmers who need our help. Because the farmers in the most need are so spread apart and lack communications infrastructure it is difficult to reliably communicate our services. As a small team we cannot afford to actively find farmers in need so instead we must rely on the referrals from charitable organizations, NGO's, or the farmers themselves from these areas. If you, or someone you know is willing to help us please use the contact form below.

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